Sunday, February 1, 2009 Family business means family business... Commitments is a must... So, I am committed to work... Monday to Saturday, 6am to 3pm... Yea... not going to be very free... Anyway, just being random... I am feeling empty! Quote for the day..
“Whatever you give a woman, she will make greater. If you give her sperm, she’ll give you a baby. If you give her a house, she’ll give you a home. If you give her groceries, she’ll give you a meal. If you give her a smile, she’ll give you her heart. She multiplies and enlarges what is given to her. So, if you give her any crap, be ready to receive a ton of shit.” That's what i loved about girls! =) Begged for Freedom at 2/01/2009 09:10:00 PM Friday, January 2, 2009 Back to blogging... But it will be short post every update... so as to keep this blog alive and also to motivate myself. Firstly, What if one day we switches our private part with the girls? This is most likely what we will do.. (Click to enlarge) ![]() Well.. this is a fact... ![]() THIS IS GONNA CHANGE DUE TO MY NEW YEAR RESOLUTION! =D End of Post Good nights everyone! Begged for Freedom at 1/02/2009 07:43:00 PM Wednesday, December 10, 2008 Rotting liao Rotting liao let me post an interesting thing that I think quite a handful of people haven't seen it or hear it before. This is called the snapshot 1.2 /1.4 /1.9 ![]() This is called prism kites! ![]() And you guys should check out the video how awesome is it! I AM ADDICTED TO IT! Begged for Freedom at 12/10/2008 01:18:00 PM Tuesday, November 25, 2008 There seems to be a whopping change in my life these few weeks... I seems to be less of a rambunctious boy now... I seems to be in a indolent attitude in every thing I do... Well, the difference about my life now... Change 1: I've being surviving on Hotdog buns for these 2 weeks and now changing to Chicken chunks buns... (Yes, and Jimmy is the one to blame... He seems to lack the keenness or enthusiasm to have lunch with me or even to have lunch) and I dun blame him for that. As I said, slothfulness took a big chunk of Jing Kang, I didn't bother to find someone to accompany me for lunch, just munching on the delivery Jessica brought me... (Thank you my dear!) Change 2: For the past like weeks, I've been reaching home before 6... Which is somewhat straight after school? Yes, and I ate my dinner everyday at home. (Seems lifeless and quite animated life right? But something is definitely growing in a satisfiying rate, my wallet's thickness and the content's richness) And its even up till now, that seems abnormal and rather filial-like spree have not stop yet. (Sorry, Spencer, Sien Quan and Kuong Hing for the gym day. Sloth is the word) Change 3: Everyday I woke up at 6 (Close to 7 in the past) to take a breezy walk, heading towards the coffeeshop beneath my house, to buy a lush breakfast for my dad who is quite deprived of breakfast before work or for other family members who needed a lil repast in the morning. (That's kinda ironic to the word 'Sloth') Change 4: I start to get kinda addicted to Facebook, neglect my diary here. 95% of my computer usage died there... (5% will be something like anime, porn, RJ and now blogging) Add me at JingKang Ko (In Hokkien, it's something like very arduous) Last but not least change: I think something has definitely changed but I don't quite get it, Jimmy has a sudden character change which he kept denying it. (Despite my effort to try to make him confide into me, making him feel better, I was kind of comprehended as a gay pestering a straight with those heart to heart talk thingy) Then this afternoon, Sien Quan just showered me with a bizzarely strange amount of sacarsm that I was kind of shocked. (It came to me thinking that is sacarsm such a depressant of good moods?) But, I feel shocked that I don't feel that 'anti' bug working inside. (Hello? Are you in a slumber party?) I feel that I've become a guy who looks into this kind of so called 'anti enticing' actions just like all other common things happening in my life. (It almost felt like I could say something like "huh? what? That? Did that even happened? Don't worry about that la.. I didn't take it to hearts) Not taking them to heart is something quite surprising to me and Scube. (These example are just happen to illuminate the changes I felt now) Cool huh? Just what is happenning to this semi-mature yet ever growing mind of an 18 dude? Just a wonder, who actually does reads my blog? Show me your damn support by tagging den! =D Smiles everyone!!
Begged for Freedom at 11/25/2008 06:52:00 PM Friday, November 14, 2008 Felt like blogging but nth comes out... Just a few pictures to share! This is the epic game I'm waiting for! DIABLO III! Omg, aint that girl pretty? It's worthwhile buying already! =D ![]() Sale advertising for you guys and girl who seek comfort in wearing things! =D ![]() I always get these lobangs through email... That's all for today! A rant for today... ![]() Is this life? Another thing to add on: I AM FREAKING DISAPPOINTED! When you said keep this to yourself and no one self should know! I TRUSTED YOU as I RESPECT YOU! But now? Well, I am a guy who is "big-mouthed" but trying to change to a man of his words. Even though your mouth slipped, I will keep my mouth zipped. No one will know, from now and onwards. That's a PROMISE! TSSSSK! FUCKING CB-ED MOOD! Toddles.. Begged for Freedom at 11/14/2008 03:21:00 PM Monday, November 10, 2008 YES! Ladies! After all the waiting... I am selling my another best bud! Finding a gf/bf! Feel free to tell me your details and I'll make sure you are being informed of his interest in you! Therefore! Featuring.... MALCOM LEE! Lets not talk about price first, IT'S SUBSTANCE WE ARE LOOKING AT! Here we go~ SMILES! Ain't he cute?! ![]() Name: Malcom Lee _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -- Pet Name: Mal Mal Age: Sweet Young Things of 18 years old. -- School: Ngee Ann Poly & SMU (Sex Manic University) -- Favorites: Having sex, cheap blowjobs for 50 cents, exploring the world of porn, discussing world's current sex affairs with me. -- Hates: NOT having sex, having expensive blowjobs, internet down (No Porn). Still being a virgin. -- Trademark: "Anything lo", 'Waa, like that ah.. ok lo.. i anything' , Clap like a seal. Sleep like a fucking log! -- Trademark Finisher: Elbow or knee people. Hug people when he sleeps and never to loosen the grip!! Extra comments: From Jimmy,'' He is an all rounder." (I dun know what he is talking abt but ya.. let your imagination run wild.) From Jing Kang,'' He sure to make u 'satisfied'!! Plus he is f-king rich! A guy friend who can talk from night to morning on the phone with you. (Therefore, guys are allow to purchase him too) From Wei Sheng,''hahahah.. sweet..? erm.. talk alot ? especially old story.. no wonder he take history in o level.. hahaha'' Buy him now and you can get complimentary photos of him like the below Fig 1.2 Fig 1.2: Doesn't he love to smile!? And you guys know what's the best thing?!??! * ** *** **** ***** ****** ***** **** *** ** * I AM GIVING HIM OUT FOR FREE !!! That's all.. All interested please contact me! =D Toddles-oo~ Begged for Freedom at 11/10/2008 10:24:00 AM Friday, November 7, 2008 Well, here is today's post, not much of an attraction, but.. hope it won't be very boring though. Are you sure they are complimenting each other? Or just greeting? ![]() Doesn't that look like Ronnie? hahas.. kidding.. I know that Ron is not that dumb one la.. Just that he got so much to tell us... hmmm ![]() You see... That's how realistic the world is becoming to! ![]() So, never sell yourself cheap~ ![]() well.. dun think of it in a racist way~ ![]() Next is the very one self's creation.. Introducing series one... "Walking into the Love's Ville" ![]() Moral of this picture: Sometimes, something are somehow or rather obvious to you. No matter how painful and unbearable it may seems to you... You just walk into in... blindly that is... Series 2 coming next... that's all for today.. tags and comments appreciated! =) Toddles-oo~ Begged for Freedom at 11/07/2008 08:10:00 AM Thursday, November 6, 2008 These are some of the truth I wanna share... You might wanna change your life's direction for a better life after these! Don't forget to thank me eh =) ![]() ![]() ![]() Aim for a better morning next time! ![]() Because you may never know what has passed and forever lost! ![]() COS I WON'T BELIEVE! HAHA! (SCUBE's Inside Joke) ![]() Never wear someone's geeky specs unless you are prepared to be shine in their blogs! HAHAA Sien Quan is caught by, geeky and the boy! So that's all... Anyway, PP presentation was a blast! A blast of shells and bombs! Lucky yours truly knows how to *ding* *dang* *dong* block them off... Curses to Celab Ng that psycho!! But I made it through.. However dun let me see you! Cos when it happens, I am THROUGH WITH YOU! =D Last thing, I have changed quite a little from reading all these preaches and teaches. I manage to buy Dad his breakfast before he is going t work... Well, it comes with a price of waking up like 5.30am? Tired it may seems... But exchanging those tiredness for a smile on my Dad's and Mum's face. It all WORTHWHILE! =) Alright.. that's all for today! Sweet Chocolate Good Bye! Rmb to check for my post tomorrow! Toddles-oo! A simple change for a better life,
can prove to be fulfilling! Begged for Freedom at 11/06/2008 08:04:00 AM Tuesday, November 4, 2008 These are some of the external questions always ask! What are hands used for? Female? To use credit cards and phone phone phone! FOR MALES?!! NEXT QUESTION! Why WOMAN live LONGER then MAN?? Let the picture tell you the answer! ![]() ![]() For guys: It's absolutely true! For girls: Now you know why man are always doing stupid things? Next and last question! Why are woman more attractive then guys? Here is something for you guys: God may have created man before woman, but there is always a rough draft before the master piece. Alright, thats all to it... Blogging again tml. Toffees' sweet goodbye! Begged for Freedom at 11/04/2008 08:38:00 AM Monday, November 3, 2008
7 don't s after a meal! Don't smoke- Experiment proves that smoking a cigarette after meal is comparable to smoking 10 cigarette. Chances of cancer is higher! Don't eat fruits immediately- Immediately eating fruits after meals will cause stomach to be bloated with air. Therefore take fruit 1-2 hr after meal or 1hr before meal. Don't drink tea- Because tea leaves contain a high content of acid. This substances will cause the protein content in the food we consume to be hardened thus difficult to digest. Don't loosen your belt- Loosening the belt after a meal will easily cause the intestine to be twisted & blocked.
Don't bathe - Bathing will cause the increase of blood flow to all parts of your body thus the amount of blood around the stomach will therefore decrease. This will weaken the digestive system in our stomach!
Don't walk about- People always say that after a meal walk a hundred steps and you will live till 99. In actual fact, this is not true. Walking will cause the digestive system to be unable to absorb the nutrition from the food we intake. Don't sleep immediately- The food we intake will not be able to digest properly. Thus it will lead to gastric & infection in our intestine.
After some healthy tips.................................... Just some random pictures to add on for today's post!
Raccoles is his name!
That's all for today, I'm catching those with my specs! Sien Quan is next! HYPOCRITE seems to be a good word to describe! But I think PULSING PIECE OF SHIT seems to be good too! Toddles-oo~ Begged for Freedom at 11/03/2008 12:22:00 PM |
Profile ![]()
Beer Belly
Mahjong Addict
Emo but friendly but shy but passionate but lazy but enthu
Having his birthday at 05/10/90
Barely Legal 18 this year! Desires, Wishes, Cravings!!
More Mahjong!More Money Step out of a fashion disaster! Step out of a weight disaster! More Chalets More friends! Have a sweet gf! Have more close friends!
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75.5kg --> 70kg but i became fatter!
A new sports shoes and belt
At least get a B or better for each module's UT. A hard disk! FULFILLED BY SCUBE!
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