Thursday, March 27, 2008 was asked by JIA XIAN to do this test , i find it pretty interesting ! (: Lucky he asked me to do.. if not i have nth to blog too! 1] At what age do you wish to marry? - 28! Cos i think i'll be mature enough! 2] What i want the most now? - Someone to be by my side! 3] Who is the person you trust the most? - There is alot... Almost all... Cos I am a Libra! 4] Do you think you have enough confidence? - hmmm.. YES i have confidence but not enuff. 5] If you can have a dream to come true, what would it be? - Be filthy rich and enjoy the rest of my life with someone i love~ 6] Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?- - Yes.. It got something to do with the rays right? 7] What are you afraid to lose the most now? - my family of cos! 8] Do you believe in eternity love? - yes~ I always do. 9] If you meet someone that you love, would you confess to him/her? - 50-50. In the past, I would. now, I wouldn't dare anymore. 10] List out 3 good points of the person who tagged you. - Heavyweight title champion - perfect to laughter with - fucking noisy as his dog - 11] What are the requirements that you wish from your other half? - Love me for me, and of cos, love me! 12] What type of person do you hate the most? - two faced, backstabbers and traitors.. Perfectly same as Jia Xian. 13] Do you cherish every single friendship of yours? - yup. 14] Do you believe in God? - Nope.. I believe in buddlha.. aiya.. either way is fine with me.. 15] What do you think is the most important thing in your life? - having no worries and spending all my days till it fullest! =) 16] Do you find it a need for you to have a boyfriend/girlfriend? - yes! I find the need to love and be loved! to care and be cared. =P 17. At this point of time, would you rather be a heart breaker or a heartbroken? - Heartbroken of cos.. Up till now, well.. i dun have a choice neither do I want to break anyone's heart.. =D 18] What kind of friend you hope to be in your friend's eyes? - Perfectly not shy to be with.. Laugh their asses out? 19] describe the person who tagged you in 6 words. - Never make him mad or else........ 20] The place u want to go the most with your love ones? - Canada~ Instructions:Remove 1 question from above, and add in your personal question, make it a total of 20 questions, then tag 8 people in your list, list them out at the end of this post. Notify them in their chatbox that he/she has been tagged. Whoever does the tag will have blessings from all .People who've been tagged: 1. Huiting 2. Sarah 3. Vivian 4. Ezzane 5. Irman 6. Weisheng 7. Jerald 8. Serena Begged for Freedom at 3/27/2008 12:37:00 AM Sunday, March 23, 2008 hey hey! Its being like 3 days since i last updated! not lazy arh! hahas.. is busy! Dota larh, Cabal larh... Above that, i have to settle the chalet thingy.. Unknowingly, it is one week away from the chalet! I had been working hard to cope with the preparation.. hahas.. like checking the price larh.. calling the person in charge larh.. calculate this calculate that.. Sound simple eh? But it those me three days to post up a simple post on the class! For those who haven saw it yet! Please... Go to to take a look and leave tag that you have noted! =D Alright.. Just a short update of my life today! Woke up at 3 plus liddat.. couldn't fall to sleep... tong till 7 liddat den went to work with pa and ma... Along with Ah kiao and her daughter came later on... omg.. my dad called her O Bee Lin! (Black faced beauty) for she is really black, not tan eh.. is black~ Wah... but the beauty is absolutely a bluff!!!!!!!!! is she about twice of my size la... almost my height at the age of 11?!?!?! OMFG! That time i was doing my thing back there, she placed her face beside me, so freaking CLOSE you know!? omg la.. i almost shit my pants larh!!!! Not i thick skinned larh.. but she ask my mum," i your future daughter in law arh?" WAH... I FREAKING CHUA SAI!!!! OMG OMG OMG la! But aiya.. hahas.. i am still me, although i a bit scare, i din ignore her larh.. ahhas.. ate lunch with her lo... hahahs... she eat damn fast and lot can.. lols... Alright den she went home with her mom already.. left me and pa ma packing up... Pouring heavily and i have to throw the trash out... heh~ i was ORDERED to wear this hat... hahas.. freaking funny dat i decided to post it here.. hahas... just for laugh~ alright.. time to play! takkire... toddles~ *Surprisingly, I always wished for you to be well. =D*
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JEN JEN! My DEarESt DATE! =D Begged for Freedom at 3/23/2008 12:42:00 AM |
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