Saturday, June 9, 2007 Writing a blog blog since i was so so so so so bored... Dunno wad to do sia... So late already... Cant sleep... Cant play... Cant love... Cant do anything! I was thinking, í've once said, I'll love you for eternity, a.k.a forever.. I said, no matter how much you hate me, I'll love you... I said, no matter if you won't like me, I'll love you... I said, no matter who you are, what you are really like, I'll love you... Well, it seems like those words which I backed them up with lots of courage and energy are starting to fade always... Slowly yet obviously, there is so much things that happen which speed up the fading... At times, I wish that it wont fade away that quickly cos, it sometimes really feel good to have tiny shreds of hope... Wishful Me! Thats me! Wellll... wad did i do today nehs? Woke up at 12 plus... (really turning into pig already) Turned on com straight away... ( starting to hate my com) Talked to Auntie Denise straight away... ( See! I wrote about you okays! =p) Had roti prata before my dad brought some yum yum fer me! woo! Poor Denise met a car accident... Luckily nth happened to her... If not i no one to disturb ler... Anyway, I think her brain kena a bit of shock bah.. cos she is hahahahah lol lol all the way after she came back.. Haha... She is one Macdonald's VIP customer seh, everyday like cannot do without it sia... Haha... heck care! Fat si her... Let her pimple pimple grow grow! wahahaha... Huitng also... everytime call me fat pig lorh... i working very hard already kays! whereas YOU! haha... Si fei ZHu! Last time fall down arh, wan to carry you arh den almost strain my back seh, back den i was like, wah lan, her feet got super glue izzit..? Why like cannot lift her up seh! UH huH!!! Whos the pig arh!? =p Bluekk! Hais!!! Long time neva go out play ler larh! Ytd watched Ocean's Thirteen, damn nice lorh... Stupid Kuong Hing say not nice, i think its most probably cos his mind too much crap liao... Catch no balls... hahaha! anyway, had mans talk later on with Sq... Lol! Hais!! how i wish i dun nid to go home sia... See my house already damn sian... no mood fer anything! I think i could like you~! I already do~! Do you know~! How to touch a girl! Are you thoughtful and kind~? Do you care whats on my mind~! =p Bluekkk!!!!!! Begged for Freedom at 6/09/2007 01:30:00 AM Monday, June 4, 2007 Hais! Life is filled with uncertainty, its so unpredictable... My tuition teacher, Andrew kor kor's daughter just deceased, in the pool of Sentosa. I just dun get it, there were lots of ppl there, and even TWO lifeguards there, and yet they failed to save a drowning child? What kind of shit is this?! Fucking sad larh! She was a adorable child lorh, cheerful and sensible, hais, thats life bah, it just dun go the way we want. So guys, cherish what you have now, your family, friends and even your loved ones, cause you dun even know when you will lose them, cherish them all you can so that you wont regret. Xiao qi Jen seems to be angry with me wor... sad sad...Sorry larh! =( Can i wish? Can i wish that she will be there fer me? Can she hold my broken heart together? I'm waiting and hoping, dun have the courage to say out, din wanna do the wrong things that will cause my best friend to leave me... Sometimes, feeling are hard to control, they are the most difficult things to figure out... I dun wanna give up on love cos once you experienced it before, you'll never forget... Maybe you still dunno that I'm starting to like you, but having you talking to me about him, it sometimes sting my heart bah... =) But even you dun like me, I still wish to be a friend to you where you can confide to... Thats no prob! Life is filled with uncertainty. Love is unpredictable. Cherish is the anidote to it. Begged for Freedom at 6/04/2007 05:24:00 PM |
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