Saturday, February 23, 2008 I hate to say this but ya, I guess that there should be an ending to everything, be it a sad one or a happy one… I feel so guilty towards you because I am always the one who jeopardized our friendship with relationship matters. I tried to never mention things that made you upset. I tried to only be a concerned friend of yours. I tried to hold myself in, telling myself that what’s happening now is mostly your fault, so don’t blame her for being so cold towards you. I tried to feign ignorance when I know that it is so obvious that you just din want to reply. But, now things have come to like that, I guess no point crying over spilled milk. I can only regret and learn from it. I guess the strain between us is too much beyond repairing. Sorry to said that, all I can tell is that something are meant to be treated like precious but something are just worthless to keep… I always believed in this,” Friendship is a foundation to every single possible relationship, & dun treat girls more important than a friendship”. It just seems that ours is at its end already, because no matter how I compromise, you just won’t want to make a reaction upon it. But up till the very end, I still put myself stubbornly and cheaply just to realize and correct what I have done wrong. There is so much things remains unspoken, and now the weight of it simply just crushed us. Cos I think what they say is right, woman’s heart is just unpredictable. I guess I will not bother you a single bit anymore, cause, despite trying to be clear-minded but not emo, all I can tell is that you obviously want to give up on this friendship. I won’t ever be a pest anymore. Begged for Freedom at 2/23/2008 02:58:00 PM Friday, February 22, 2008 Just a bit of rants for today... not much happened.. so ya.. just hear me through.. =D Working for mum is kinda of a torture... the workload is not only heavy, it is damn physical demanding... plus i have to work 6 days a week! I as the only guy there except for dad.. has to do almost every physical work... =/ Tired! Pay is of cos.. superb, considering the hours I'm working and + the expense i spend is like 0? but the work is so dry.. you dun get to see new things.. just package every piece of fruits into the plastic bag.. i have to package like 300 plus pieces? its like damn lot when you do it! I do until the neck pain arh... plus there is a great scarifice to it alright... Fruit is healthy, yea.. but those handling it will noe how dangerous is it... fruits got acid, critic and stuff.. so if you contact fruits without glove for a long period, it will corrode your nails eventually, i almost kena already.. but lucky i applied medi... =/ I WANNA SLIM DOWN! I am half way through and i have to work even hard tobuild myself! >.< oh and, for those who dun noe yet... I am a temp lacto ovo vegetarian now! Sounds cool right?? Learnt that from viv... Meaning no meat for me!!! I already been at it for one week already... I dun mind.. and i dun quite crave for meat but... Without meat, as a vegetarian, i really have very limited choice of food! Lucky i got mummy and er jie who is a full time vegetarian! well, i can see that effect on my weighing machine! *satisfaction* But being a vegetarian is not to slim, but a promise for something personal... Like i said.. gotta use sincere if you want something! >.< thats all folks... gonna sleep and wake up later for swimming or so, tmr is work again! @&*$%^!! *I missed the time when we were whatever you called it* *but ya... I have to get over it!* *i have already taken the first step* *trust me* *pray* Begged for Freedom at 2/22/2008 03:29:00 PM Thursday, February 21, 2008 Mummy bday ytd! and ytd is a blast plus super surprise! first we bought her flowers and surprised her in canteen! Secondly, we bought nice nice vegeterian big meal for mummy! =D Thirdly..... we told her no cake cos too late le... den she din expect anything cos the bouquet was quite enuff already... well! thats the surprise!!! may the pictures explain it all! =D Alright! just a happy bday to mummy again! =D Following picture is the photo taken during new year... New dressing of me... >.< Alright, time to go off... blogger gave me quite alot of problems so resulting in the delay... *overcome this barrier alright?* *i dun wanna lose you anymore!* >.< Begged for Freedom at 2/21/2008 10:01:00 PM Wednesday, February 20, 2008 Went to mum's canteen to work as usual... but something is going to be special in the afternoon.. so i waited excitingly till about 2 or 3 plus.. here comes mummy's bday surprise! hee! A bouquet from the three of us! =D When the person came, mummy was in a total shock! She also blur blur de sign and recieved it.. everyone in the the canteen was like.. "wah~~" "hao min lo!"(so good life lo) and single one walked past her was like so envy her la! She is damn happy to the point she smile until see teeth no see smile arh~ hahas! Some pictures of cos! Alright.. just a short post! HAPPY BELATED MUMMY! No matter how naggy you are.. you are still our lovely mummy that we love so much!! =D Thoughts~ Will i can a ans from you tonight?? Inside me, I promise myself, I will not force you anymore... If you doesn't want to reply, i dunno wad it means but it certainly means to me that, all i have done from day 1 till now were totally forgotten, perhaps not a single bit is remembered and cared about... >.< well.. i've got smth to do and say if you reply.. =X *pray* Begged for Freedom at 2/20/2008 04:00:00 PM Tuesday, February 19, 2008 Just woke up, feeling much better, but the liquid keep flowing down... Just eaten only, although its porridge, i dun have the appetite so ate one small bowl only... had smth on mind, its being a long time i hugged someone and relax really relax-ly... I miss it... I really do... =/ Sometimes i wonder if i am really too much, but if i am too much, do you care? Will you even bother talking to me about it? or treat it as another junk sms, i really do care.. I really wanna noe... =/ Oook.. Time for Sunday's outing, Went out with dearest cousins, Eugenia, wen wen and qing nan... And Eugenia's friend Yit Kit if i didnt spell it wrongly... Went for the Jumper in Cineplex... Eugenia that turtle got a craving for sticks.. ya noe... sticks~ Finish Jumper and we waited for Wen wen to be there and Qing Nan to go... Then wosh! Eugenia basically ran to the nearer 7 Eleven, i gotmyself a Hooch and she got a Mablorlo menthol, den sat outside puffing lo... with stupid wen wen.. hahas.. Yup, i admit... i did try... That day i finished 2 sticks, but seriously, i had totally no craving for it... So no worries... No smoker here... Went to have dinner is Pastamania... walked past Heeren, and well, saw Jinman, she was busy i guess.. so we just waved and walked past.. dunno is i too long never see her but i was thinking, wow... You're prettier! alright... den we had Pastamania and Eugenia had the urge to play arcade... So after one more stick... we went up... Had a few games before Qing Nan meet us again for drinking and chilling... actually going Bartop or wad la... But i needa go early... so we went over, to his house... well.. Once we got in, i a bit regret going to his house, its just that i dun feel right with a guy who is filled man's pride... Yup, but we drank a lot... especially me, i drank the blackberry something something like its coke like that... Cos its nice, tried other stuff too... Kepp drinking and gambling lo... =) After like 1, i really needa go off already so we car pool a a cab.. Yup, everyone is tipsy ba.. hahas... i wasn't surprisingly... So went home and slept at about 3 plus den when for work for mum... Zzzz.. so tough... =/ Alright, sorry for picture-less.. They dun take photos and i am not keen on forcing.. =P That night I realised something from Eugenia, she asked me...
Do you think you are really loving that person? After thinking deeply.. yes i am... Do you think you will still love that person if this continues forever...? I told her... Although its sian and depressing, but ya... i will... She said, den dun give up, hold on to it... cos finding someone that actually can bring such affection to you is not easy, try holding on... I dun noe this is an good advice or not.. I'm really thinking... I dun wan coldness anymore... but i just jolly well keep invoking it... hais... Can you understand? i dun want anything but i just want us back to what we are... *I dun wanna be like this, i just wanna let you noe, everything that i'm holding is everything that i cant give up on.* I'm sorry... really... can we just stop all this?! rahhs!!! Talk to me can!? Begged for Freedom at 2/19/2008 09:24:00 PM ya.. I am under a flu spell.. i guess i din sleep well and enuff these few days thats why resulted in the serious flu now.. Damn irritating... keep sneezing while dealing with food... So pai seh la.. The day goes on like so slowly la.. i keep sneeze until a point whereby, i sneezed some blood out.. i din show it.. cos i dun want Mummy to worry but ya... i guess i'm dying soon... hais~~ no la!! hahas... Just some blood la.. wont kill... I got a ruldoph nose + extra red... yup... Now as i am sitting here.. i sound as if i watching funeral and crying like that, keep sniffing.. gotta sleep soon... to recover from it... Some say i am Snorlax.. sleep already den full health le.. but well.. eh.. hmmm.. quite true la.. PS: sorry if i msged anyone rudely, cos the nose made me easily irritated towards anyone... So i apologise if i really did pissed anyone off... i'll be better later when i wake up! =D At night shall post another post about my Sunday outing with cuzzies.. =) Stay tuned and taggie me! =D I dun wanna be like this, i just wanna let you know, everything i'm holding on, is everything i cant let go... I may forget you in years time, maybe months will do it... but i'll never forget the taste of your breath, your scent and your skin... Begged for Freedom at 2/19/2008 03:22:00 PM |
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