Wednesday, July 4, 2007 DILEMMA! hahas! Friends or Work? Tell her or not to? In primary/secondary sch, who doesn't want to team up with their best and most get along friends to do their projects? However, life in Rp changed so much that i think we should too, refine our thoughts. Dun be childish! No team with friends means not friends already meh? Childish... i admit I'm a bit selfish cos i wont jump into the obvious pit to try my luck. I'm not blaming you all, its just that particular idiot. Hais... so old still so childish... well.. finished venting my anger here.. hope this matter end within this post. Childish ass... Hahas.. Am i become so girly? hahas! Poly or others all call me sisters... lala! i dun wan~! hahas! i man ok! dun believe i show you lorh~! hahas! Well actually, this qns has been popping into my mind lately, tell her and ask or not? Actually, i guess she know it, she just dun wanna talk about it, hahas... definitely, i felt that we are closing in... I wish i could ask her, could pick up the courage that has been long lost, in pain. But i dunno, rejection is definitely too pain for me... i'm too phobia to go thru pain again... Sometimes, i think that, dun be greedy larh, isnt now just fine and well? hahas.. you wan to make things worst like last time izzit? hahas~! remain like that forever is fine with me, rather than nth... =) however, will i wait so long that she found someone else then i'll be left with nth? but so what? i din meet her or so b4.. i cant reply on message that much... hahas... thats why i say die-leh-mah... DILEMMA! hahas! done! Blog completed! You know, you know how i feel.. But i dun noe how you feel, i dare not try, not even once, last hit was too much fer me... =p Loves and misses! Begged for Freedom at 7/04/2007 08:13:00 AM Sunday, July 1, 2007 Gonna blog once more! since so long.. being so busy and playful lately! sorry guys, no links, new skin, lazy to change! Having dota frenzy lately, so sick of it, i dun cut out to be one, and I'm not interested to be one.. Smile ya! Time really sooths your pain and wash away your sorrow! I know cos i've been thru it! Dun cry! Dun frown! Look forward! Hope ya will be better! Friday was fun, after school when to meet mal they all for Ajisen, i was never tired of it, wahahas! So delicious! hahas.. Oh Hi Yo! I love ramen! but the price is really steep man... GST! gosh! Being fussy lately, a bit hot tempered! Ma never fails to bring up my voice, she is so demanding! Helped her out at loyang, trying to be a filial son, dun wanna quarrel with her... Well ,lets see, what happened during this week... Mal just handed someone he loved to someone else, ironic huh? Yu Min got his new girlfriend! Woot! New wont come if old wont go! Cherish! Kuong Hing quarreled with his teacher! Aiya bro, result are seconds, wad you learn den is the first priority! Dun kao pei so much larh...! No ones live is perfect! Adapt and make it better! dun always grudge against it! Sien Quan? aiya! you been fine bro... Huiting! pssssh... heard you really put on SOME weight huh? Too much chocolate fondue? Mabelline! Kinda sad lately huh?! cheerios larh! hahas! Denise got a Mr X! Who is it?!!?! Jenniffer... she wants her Mr *** Couldn't think of more already, been so lazy to type... Oh, anyway, want a long lasting friendship? You must be fun to be with! Dun always boast around how good you are if you really meant it, dun be stingy lar... what is the point when you brought so little money knowing we are going to spend more then that? Its not like we are forcing you to come and spend a day with us everyday? noe when to spend mah... Hais.. dudes... try not to be late, being late feels nth but waiting fer the late ones really piss me off... dammit... Gonna attend school tmr, 6.45 again! 5 days a week! so boring! feel like pon sch again but cant lerh, dun wanna fail my module.. Good luck dudes! did i bored you guys? Nothing to write mah, live being so dull and boring lately... Dun cry dun frown! you noe that you had a puzzle piece out there waiting fer ya! smile always! Someone told me not to change because people wants you to cos i might not noe that maybe someone out there falling in love with this me... but i say... why cant i change? if that makes someone i love comfortable and no need to accommodate with that me, thus loving me? Being missing ya every sec... =p Begged for Freedom at 7/01/2007 10:33:00 PM |
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