Saturday, July 5, 2008 As yo guys see, I have changed new blog lay out a little bit: -Music Box gone, cos my Akon simply can't put the blame off himself and goes, you can put the blame.. you can put the can put the can put the blame.. But never on me.. -New sub topic added, Checklists. As you can see, these are just tip of the iceberg things I wanna accomplish, more to come, but if you can help me along my way. Lots of gratitude to you! =D Well, summary of my week: -Monday was a boring lesson as the stupid fucked up faci.. -Tuesday was a basketball day, hurt my foot plate but in overall, fun day to be in. -Wednesday, finally went out with Johnne and guys, had Tayaka Japanese Buffet Restaurant for dinner, yummy! Enjoyed! -i pon 1 out of 4 lesson this week, Thursday, went gym with SQ, ended up having muscle ache at my chest painful! -Friday, sch ended like normal, met Jim and went Jim's house for another prime suspect game! =) -Saturday, today, had lei cha dinner with ah ma and my aunties as promised of 2 weeks per lei cha session! Yummy like hellll! -Sunday, tmr will be a helping ma and pa day, should be nth much ba, resting and waiting for monday's sch lesson! Just a few pics on the Tayaka trip. Remember this thing? Johnne!? hahas.. Its was suppose to be intact! hahas! Alright time to go off, helping mum to keep the house in place.. =D Toodles-oo! Size really matters! *I really misses you*
*I'm working so hard for you!* Begged for Freedom at 7/05/2008 09:52:00 PM Sunday, June 29, 2008 This happened on 24/6/08, Tuesday. My laptop was totally into critical situation due to, well shall not explain... *shy ya know* Lemme re-enact the whole happening again... In order of time: [10pm- 11pm] I realized the problem, which is severely infected with virus! My important program and icons are are disappearing one by one. Scary isn't it..? Desperately finding help to reformat my laptop. I finally found someone who could help me! My dear cousin wen wen... After much of a fuss, I was forced to travel from my house to Woodlands to my cousin's house to have my com done with. [11pm-1.30am, next day] I reached MRT station at about 11 plus, that idiot cousin wanted to pick me up with his unbelievably tiny BICYCLE! I have to stand on it, not by the side of the wheel but on top on the wheel! so high you know! i almost banged into the bus stop shelter! whew! but seriously, its quite shoik eh.. =D (See Below) Sorry for the lousy paint, took me quite awhile sia... SCARY EH! ![]() [1.30am-2.30pm] Well, We went to eat and smoke a lil before getting up to his place. We spent mostly our time just to make sure of my problems, den we drank! Can you believe it! its almost like having holiday there.. =D but i like it! One comment from him," This is one funny but serious worm..." Cos my laptop clock says," Its virus alert time!" [2.30am- 5am] I freaking stayed up to transfer my wanted data from C drive to D drive. HE SLEPT! [5am-6am] After the transfer is done, i woke him up to work on my laptop. He says that even my laptop is rejecting the reformatting CD. My own painting again.. =D ![]() [6am-8am] We have no choice, we left the laptop on for virus scan, hoping that after the scan, i could actually reformat. Another comment from him,"you have hella lots of files!" We tried to sleep, i slept one hrs, him two. [8am-8.30am] We decided with lots of determination to leave for school, bathe and stuff, the scanning still continues! He say he could ask his colleagues at IT help desk to help me out. [8.30am-9am] We took cab down, late of course, insider means insider! First class service la~ [9am-12pm] Life without laptop sucks! Slacked and learns a bit in class, at 12 pm the laptop was done! YEA! [12pm -4pm] Used my brand new, virus free, lag free laptop to the fullest! Damn happy with it! Up to this point, subconsciously, I became more and more high that i felt no tiredness stirring within me! Took UT afterward.. sucks Slacked a bit. [6pm-10pm] You think this is it?? No no no... The high-ed me went for basketball!!! HAHA played till 9 plus then ate THEN go home! FUCKING SHAGGED! hahahas! Come on! I am tired like dog k... ![]() Thats all folks! Toddles-oo! Hope I dun bored you out dork! Its never too late to make it right! Here's a bonus pic! Enjoy the smart sheeps! ![]() Begged for Freedom at 6/29/2008 10:17:00 PM |
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Beer Belly
Mahjong Addict
Emo but friendly but shy but passionate but lazy but enthu
Having his birthday at 05/10/90
Barely Legal 18 this year! Desires, Wishes, Cravings!!
More Mahjong!More Money Step out of a fashion disaster! Step out of a weight disaster! More Chalets More friends! Have a sweet gf! Have more close friends!
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75.5kg --> 70kg but i became fatter!
A new sports shoes and belt
At least get a B or better for each module's UT. A hard disk! FULFILLED BY SCUBE!
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