Thursday, July 24, 2008

Begged for Freedom at 7/24/2008 03:27:00 PM

I've a pretty tight schedule, firstly, mum has a disability to move around, taking care of her becomes a task and must for family and I. DAMN LIFELESS i tell you!

Let me briefly tell you about what is my week about!

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday --->8.30am to 4.30pm (SCHOOL)
---> 7pm to 9pm (WORK for dad!)
As you can see, that is how it is going to be for me, work isn't a bad thing, just that.. I am forced to work for dad, good pay, but yar,
like i said,
freedom and youth is priceless,
but come to think of it,
of what that happened to my mum,
I think i am more open to his concept of working,
as i feel like cherishing and spending time with my family.

Alright, lets proceed to my non-school days.

Wednesday ---> No school, BUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have to stay home to take care of mum which means! I am barred from getting out!! tsssssssssk!
Saturday---> totally free! yea! BUTTTT! I have to get home early... WHY?? look below!
Sunday ---> have to wake up early to work for dad in the morning shift! after 2 or 3 pm, i am free, den can go out.. BUTTT!!! i have to come home early! cos tmr is Monday!

So guess what.. no more late night staying! no more dawn sleeping.. no more going out till 1 plus! no more chilling! = less time to spend with friend = mostly becomes the spoil sport! = lesser friends! arggggh! dumb shittttt!

TSSSK! i am so like a bird without wings, can fly but cant fly!

I'm going to draw a pic to express my situation in short! =(((


I'm so loving this!

Sorry I don't have time to blog, I am totally noooo freeeeakkking mooooood to do so!


Begged for Freedom at 7/24/2008 02:50:00 PM