Wednesday, August 13, 2008 Yar. I'm late again! One week plus ago, it was the two July late babies' bday, Johnne and Nachanmai! Ok. Let the picture do the talk again! Alright, today is my bday! So am I! Although its one day late! Ughhhh.. who is that ugly person in the screen?! Blow blow blow the candle offf Coolios~ gaylo~ A happy face is our satisfaction! Me and Johnne with the demand get closer la! i wont touch you one la! Kevin and him got realllll close! hahahas Vivian and Yi Wen! Vivian + Jin Man The shocks I just woke up laaa.. dun blame me! The July babies! Why are all their pic blurry?! The STAs! Pimple John + spastic Man The Three guys~ Versus the three girls! Plus a Mai! Together we arrrrrrrrrrrrrre~ Part of W34D!! Alright time to go off.. Tired and sick! Toodles-oo! *Randoms*
I think I like myself better in short hairs! I believe time will prove everything, I'm sorry to have let down a splendid friendship for the time being.. =( Begged for Freedom at 8/13/2008 01:26:00 PM |
Profile ![]()
Beer Belly
Mahjong Addict
Emo but friendly but shy but passionate but lazy but enthu
Having his birthday at 05/10/90
Barely Legal 18 this year! Desires, Wishes, Cravings!!
More Mahjong!More Money Step out of a fashion disaster! Step out of a weight disaster! More Chalets More friends! Have a sweet gf! Have more close friends!
Advertisment! SUpport eh!
75.5kg --> 70kg but i became fatter!
A new sports shoes and belt
At least get a B or better for each module's UT. A hard disk! FULFILLED BY SCUBE!
~more to come~
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