Saturday, November 24, 2007 One week since i've blog! alot have happen and i cant possibly sum them in one entries! so be sure to see the previous ones! These are the picture of the week. Enjoy! ![]() And Johnne stop covering your face! We know its you! hahahas!
Wednesday morning! At cafe! Thats all for the week! take care guys! Begged for Freedom at 11/24/2007 12:42:00 PM This week is kinda shitty week, team had been quite shitty, but i kinda dun mind, cos whatever it is, they are still my frens and i should have no reason dislike them, so, sorry to those who i've kept quiet, sorry to those i din contribute much. I wish i could but when smth really doesn't suits me, i really can't hide what i feel. SORRY! Then the next thing happens to the class. I dun care who wants to keep this as a secret nor whoever thinks that this is offensive to them. I'll just rant it out! So that people who are concern can bloody do smth about it! Firstly, the class is not as it is before, the class has split! The class has classified some grp as the CLIQUE and some thinks that they had been out casted! Answer to this.. Totally bull-s-h-i-t! It takes two hands to clap! I know its awkward to go with the "clique" you think it is to eat or whatsoever, but did you all notice? Its even more tired to keep asking and asking! Why dun you be more auto and just come along! We f***ing din specifically ask who to come and who to not come! Why? This is because we tot we are bonded enuff to skip the troublesome step of asking! And now you think that we are trying to cast you all out? DID we even show black face if you come with us? People that think that they are affected, think and do smth about it! Don't always think that its others fault when the class is not bonded! We had our responsibility in this too! We would deny it so you shouldn't too! Secondly, what's with the stupid CLIQUE forming shit? What's with the 4 clique shit? Its so contradicting la.. You say that the class is not as bonded as before then here you are saying that you can form your own clique? so childish la! so stupid! Are you trying to breaking the class apart or trying to mend the strained bonds? I think i have got lots to say but i just want to sum it up that we are not outcasting everyone! We are W34D! We are a class! Why should there be such things as class politics!? If you dun clarify and think rationally, nth is gonna change, we are one class. Lets not be so petty and underhand! Take care W34D... Begged for Freedom at 11/24/2007 12:18:00 PM Sunday, November 18, 2007 Today, i pulled sq and mal with me to town area in search of some choco-s, hahas.. they arent hard to find.. but the specific type is kinda difficult.. overall, i bought them already just hope that the one eating them would feel happy after eating them, afterall, its monday tmr! hahahas! On the way home.. we saw an SPCA event, lots and lots of cute doggies! woot! shoot some, but den some are not clear.. sorry cos mine phone not very good for photos..! So long! take care guys.. my hair sucks once again.. sleep early! Note to-- Jie Ning, dun get too high looking at those dogs arh.. Mei Qi, sleep early tonight! you haven slept well! New yummy for ya tmr! Jin Man, sleep early too! Be prepare for tmr! Sq, get well soon bai car! one on one la! Mal, step your toes arh.. Everyone, leave a tag lehs! hahas.. next time will sure go yours to tag or write about you one! hahahas! Good nights! Begged for Freedom at 11/18/2007 07:33:00 PM |
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