Saturday, April 5, 2008 I think my life is like turning 360 degree from next monday onwards.. Well, for your info, i signed California Fitness club membership.. it is exp ok.. Yar.. means i have one commitment, which is to not waste my money... Secondly, i got school and PP to do... Yar, takes up most of my time... Lastly, i need to earn money to pay back my folks, cos they actually forked out money for the chalet, and i dun wanna owe them, although they din say i nid to return, i must, cos i dun want to be a forever baby... i am a young adult!! =) Thats why, i am looking for a job that takes up my after school's time.. which means that most prolly my schedule will be, Monday -friday working and schooling.. tuesday, thurs, sat and sun to gym wah... packed la.. =( I'm gonna be so tired! But i still feel that i need someone to be by my side! =P I want YOU! =D Alright.. tmr is my first day there.. gonna sleep early and wake up early.. Toddles! Takkire guys and girls! =D I am finally sure that *The feelings weren't developed recently, it was all along inside me... hmmm..*
Begged for Freedom at 4/05/2008 12:16:00 AM Thursday, April 3, 2008 Finally, it has came to an end... Yup.. I went to a chalet during the period, 31st to 3rd... It is a tough period man.. Being pulled off the bed... Being pulled out to acc them to the toilets Being in the worst cork up situation during the bbq in my life Being MOLESTED on the bed??? eeek.. dun wanna think about it... BUT... i still had a fabulous time with the peeps of W34D... I noe i may sound so formal and sound like i got a award or wad but... Thanks Vivian da jie for being there to do a lot of things... The chalet probably couldn't work well without your help! =D Thanks Johnne for being the super enthu person in the chalet.. It really helped us go through the nights! =) Thanks Mai and Yi Wen for being so on to stay throughout and being supportive! Thanks for Yanna, Rul and Wan, for even we din spend much time together, you guys been great! Spontateous and super ON!! But i feel guilty for not staying the last night ! >.< Thanks to all other peeps who came! =) Thanks Steven! Thanks lots guys! hahas.. I noe i am very thanky now but yar.. i am very grateful eh.. =D Pictures will be up in a few days.. Hope i get it... Anyway.. Never forgetting that, I got a little souvenir from the chalet! =P Come to think of it.. It is the one of the best gift i ever had! *swear!* I think i'm gonna keep it forever eh! I love it eh! =D Thanks to that person! Picture of it will be up too! =) Emo stuff had to come of cos... =P I feel like so awkward to see her? hahaha.. I feel like i have so much to talk to her but when she initiated a lil talk, i couldn't ans more den a few sentence... I found out that I simply have nth to speak to her... =( Sad isn't it.. Last time we could talk like almost overnight? But now words just doesn't reach either of us.. hahas.. i guess that even the best thing in life will end eventually.. =P I just feel pity... Alright.. no more emo! Anyway, bought a BOOK from Times, its called The Time Traveler's Wife, due to Johnne's influence, i merely read the Prologue, and i feel that i will be attracted to it.. cos it seems so sad case yet you couldn't do anything to it... You cant prevent it, you cant solve it... The first thought i have is, i just wanna cherish who i have now.. =) Last but not least, sorry W34D if the chalet is not well prepared and organized, so sorry I couldn't make some of your stays fulfilling.. =( But really.. thanks for you guys for not letting me pay too much, i think a hundred or two will be fine.. =) No grumbling arh.. just a grateful thought.. serious.. hahas.. Everyone happy can already! =P *I learnt lots of thing from the chalet*
*I think the feelings are starting to show up more and more* *No matter how hard i try to push it back, i think i have plunge into you* *I dun wanna lose another good friend yet again* *shit!* Begged for Freedom at 4/03/2008 01:52:00 PM |
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Beer Belly
Mahjong Addict
Emo but friendly but shy but passionate but lazy but enthu
Having his birthday at 05/10/90
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75.5kg --> 70kg but i became fatter!
A new sports shoes and belt
At least get a B or better for each module's UT. A hard disk! FULFILLED BY SCUBE!
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