Sunday, July 15, 2007 ***************************************Paths**************************************** Life is a path to me. In this path, we keep moving on, No matter how tough and unbearable it is, we must, move on. Thats why people say, get on to your life! Every goals and dreams are motivation of our life, It keeps us moving, sometimes faster, in order to reach our target. Life would be meaningless if it does not have a goal, However, it will be colorless if we walk the path alone. Therefore comes friends, family and lover. First and foremost, Family set mostly the paths to walk, For they bring you up, Showered you with care and love. Giving you courage to move on, Perhaps they are the only ones that will not give up on you. Then you have friends to accompany you all the way. Friends keeps you accompany along the way, lending a helping hand, Friends listen to all your sorrows and joys, Friends compromise, Friends make you feel comfortable, Friends, is much more valuable then gold and diamonds. True friends are the hardest treasure you can find. True friends will forever be there for you. They will walk the path with you, perhaps forever, So... Cherish em! But remember, friends are not stepping stones! Finally, we got our lovers... In our whole life, We are searching for that one person, That one person, who can change our life, That one person, who can bring us joy and happiness that had never being experienced before. Lovers, One of the most wanted things in most peoples' life, We desired to have one, to walk with us, Till the end of our path, together, hand in hand. Friends may be forgotten due to time, Lovers, in another hand, can't. Lovers are like friends, But a special friend whom you are willing to walk with without any grudge, You are willing to die for that person, Compromise with the most ridiculous things in earth. Cherish and appreciate em... Cause you mind not know which day will you lose them. *************************************The-End*************************************** Can you believe it... I done it myself! If it doesn't make sense, please tell me so! I'll improve it... Its kinda bad because it has no conclusion. =) Back to real life, Got a short story to tell eh... Today Mr Ko is storyteller! Don't know if you all heard it before, it is another made up. Do read and comment kays? =) Its a love-based story... Here it goes... ***********************************Puzzle******************************************** Love is like a puzzle, For our whole life, We have being searching for the one piece, Who fit us perfectly, But life is never perfect, Even though we have found the most flawless piece of puzzle, but it doesn't fits, Whats the point? You thought you will be happy being together with the piece, are you? For now you are happy, later on? Forever? Whats the point of forcing you two together, And eventually hurt yourself and him/her? Will you be happy, blissful, satisfied? Therefore, look forward! Leave the past! Cause there is always another piece of puzzle out there, Waiting for you, waiting to give you all the love and care you want, Cause you might not know he/she is the one! You might not know that he/she make a perfect picture together... The most precious piece of puzzle and appreciative piece of puzzle is that, It is willing to sacrifice himself/herself a little bit, Just to bring out the maximum happiness to you. Keeping the suffering to himself/herself. Thats probably the most touching thing you can do. ( But of cause, don't overdo it larh) So, good luck guys, keep searching, searching maybe tough but the fruit labor is certainly sweet! ***************************************The-End************************************** This story was originally thought by me to cheer someone up, its tough as I'm quite stupid... but its worth it! Cause she is special to me... How special? Very very very special. =) Good night everyone! Begged for Freedom at 7/15/2007 09:12:00 PM |
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