Saturday, January 19, 2008 ![]() You might not know, but this special hug is only for you! =D ![]() I promise I'll never stop! =X ![]() It will never end for you!! I know it might be difficult and hard for you... but trust me... I'll hold you forever! =P Today, is a boring day! no msg, went to help dad! boring and tired! I keep thinking! hahas.. How can i be better! cos everytime i lift up my hands, i swear! i smelled your scent! hahahahas! I cant forget even if i want to! and i found out smth.. My lips got a pimple on it! wah! damn pain pain pain! Dunno what i've done sia~ XD ![]() ok.. Time to clean up my room alr! hahas.. I will persevere for you and for myself! take care guys... Much of a boring post lately.. will be better in the coming days! hope so! =P Begged for Freedom at 1/19/2008 08:34:00 PM Thursday, January 17, 2008 ![]() Cos they can give you, they can also take every single bits of it out of you! hahahas! But i dun care, Rmb the moment they gave you but try to dun ponder too much on the part when they extract it out of you! =D Well!! As you can see from the title, it roughly tells it all! hahahas!
All i can say is that, Jing Kang is happy. Jing Kang so so happy. How i wished that the moment never ends. How i wished that i din have to let go. How i wished that it is forever! hahas.. But, whenever, whatever, i'll never let go of you... cos i can't afford to! =X And i will cherish and appreciate you to the max! =D ![]() Other den that, irritation is what i got before getting happiness... Stupid faci today made me rmb the day of secondary school when they use PA system,:" Student Class 4A, Ko Jing Kang, please come to the principal office now!" I mean, come on la! Get on with it la, get over secondary school! You are in a poly for goddness sake! I guess i'm a softer person, cos i am trying to accept that irritating idiot now ma... I'm not the hardcore one hate her like shit although i agree that she is lo, Yi Wen is more hardcore la, she hate everything she does la... Johnne more worst arh, like terrorist sia... =D Ok, enough of ranting and happy-ing.. hahas.. gotta do ppt for tmr alr.. if not Boss Johnne not happy sia! =P Begged for Freedom at 1/17/2008 10:42:00 PM Monday, January 14, 2008 Yup, today is mei qi's bday! happy bday to a really cute girl! Wan Mei Qi a.k.a P*******.. Bleh! Yup, and its a late by one day post, so forgive me! hahas. When to Swensens in United Square and enjoy ourselves to the max and eat till the very max tt no one can say they are no bloated when we left swensen. Hahas.. Pictures will not be uploaded here, please kindly go if you wanna see the pictures! After celebrate that girl bday, they have to go off and we went to Vivo! First stop, we rushed to Pets Safari and spent 1 hr plus there! Here are some of the pictures of the cute animals there!
Ok, done! Blogged in class.. Shall continue tmr! Begged for Freedom at 1/14/2008 09:06:00 PM Sunday, January 13, 2008 Confused is roughly my feelings right now... I dun noe what i can do anymore to make it right... I dun wanna give up, yet i dun wan to make any mistakes anymore. One of Man's deepest fear is not to make mistakes, but to make mistake without knowing they had done so. I'm really confused now. All i want is... *Confused* How can i make you feel better? I know its none of business you might think... But... but... i dun noe!!!!! =( Found this picture to make my promise, its titled "Always there for you" ![]() I noe I'm not a good precious, I'm a dumb one instead, If the hero, never comes to you But if you wanna cry Ps: Sorry Sien Quan and Kuong Hing, cause you all to cancel the trip to town, really not in the mood to walk... SORRY GUYS! so pai seh la... Plan hao le den must cancel... =( sorry! =( Take care, have UT tmr.. Good luck! Begged for Freedom at 1/13/2008 08:45:00 PM |
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Beer Belly
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Emo but friendly but shy but passionate but lazy but enthu
Having his birthday at 05/10/90
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75.5kg --> 70kg but i became fatter!
A new sports shoes and belt
At least get a B or better for each module's UT. A hard disk! FULFILLED BY SCUBE!
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