Tuesday, November 27, 2007 Kang Kang.. Hereby pronounce.. I will never ever... Do this again! Cos I found out that I'm so like my dad! He likes to force people thinking that it’s good for them but without thinking about their feelings! I always scold him deep inside me, what a bastard. Until I realise, isn’t me that bastard too? All I think is nice and sweet but in end I’m actually grasping people breathe out of them. No matter to close friends, friends that I think is close to me, female friends, boy-friends, best friends or even family. I'm always thinking that I'm correct, but I didn't consider their feelings. Aren’t me such a failure? I understand now why people say, even the most perfect person sometimes can't realise what's wrong with them, and furthermore it’s me! People always make mistake, mistake is essential to for growth. But some mistakes I made can never be correct nor salvage. It’s like a quicksand, the harder I try, the faster it sinks, making you regret your persistence. I kinda miss W24J, sometimes I feel that lack of class politics is awesome, although it’s quiet, but at least deep inside our hearts, we know that it’s a peace silence not because we hate each other. We can make up the atmosphere as and when we like, we always love each other. Sorry for the wordy post... Here is some of my beloved W24J. Hope our bond is forever. Thats Lydia, Sarah, Fadh! hahas.. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Thats my dearest W24J, Love them!!!! Tmr gonna wake early again, those siao ta bor and char bor again.. hais! get prepare! Monster! Hate it or love it! Some things can't be controlled... Some things can't be told of... Some things can't be loved... Signing off, Kang Kang. Begged for Freedom at 11/27/2007 11:48:00 PM Sunday, November 25, 2007 Hey hey! Unexpectedly, i blog for the second time in the days, which sums up 4 blogs in two days, today and ytd. hahahas.. rmb to see all and TAG k! hahahas. Today was a boring day again, but lucky my folks decided to dine out today! Yup yup! We went a vegeterian restaurant for dinner! Yummy sia! Here are some pics... Before all that.. i just wanna say.. i missed you! Up next.. some web where is see about Libra which is based on your bday! Shall let you guys see cos its quite true for me! hee! =) Your personal ruling planets are Venus and Mercury. Very few people can match your quick reaction to thought with such creative elements. You seem to be able to grasp a situation without any mental labour. This is because Mercury and Venus work very harmoniously together in an artistic and communicative fashion. You like to keep busy and sometimes lose sight of the motivation behind all your hustle and bustle. It's most essential for you to keep your activities at a moderate pace and eat and rest regularly, even if you aren't too tired or hungry. The reason for this is that Mercury can exhaust your nervous energies. You are capable in business but should focus your attention on one scheme at a time. That includes relationships too! HAHA! there is COMPATIBILITY for horoscopes too.. simply AWESOME! hahahaha! cos its WHOLESOMELY true ba! =) Nights dude and ladies! hahha.. take care! Begged for Freedom at 11/25/2007 09:48:00 PM Its so boring! What happen to my happy, excited, most looking forward weekends? Where i could go out?? Now i've being staying home since Friday! and seriously, i'm dying! ROAR!!! I am so lazy to organise every single thing! Why can't i be the one who alway kena jio and booked... It feels so nice and wonderful la.. Hais~ But on a lighter note, there is sch tmr! Its becoming that i'm loving sch more and more. Dunno why.. i wish i could buy something that everyone could share and eat, so as long as they feel perked up abit, i dun mind, afterall, we all have monday blues! Its rewarding enuff to see you smile! Its so stupid la, Kang Kang is always so stupid, since secondary i've being putting people in front of me, so what if my parents or anyone calling me a spendthrift or mad boy, as long as someone is impt to me, why should i be so petty about money over relationships? Thats me! =) From these years, comments had being given, I'm stubborn, irritating, being a burden to whom i care, too good to be true, emo, and blah blah blah, actually, yea, quite true, thats why i always say, I'm a failure of a human. hahahas.. Done ranting, now dunno what to do again... Take care people, there is no pics today. To live without life is equal to having a camera without pictures in it. Loves, Begged for Freedom at 11/25/2007 12:04:00 PM |
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