Thursday, August 9, 2007 Long time din blog already... recently, this quiz is going around like a disease! Wah lao! so lazy ler still ask me do... no choice loR! Stupid denise, mabelline and hui ting.. hahas... List out your top 5 birthday presents that you wish for: 1: Have another resort staying with family 2: Have more clothes! 3: Have a cool sling bag! buwahaha! 4: I wan to eat! eat eat! 5: To have you to be by my side on my birthday.. 1.(the person who tag you is ...) Denise, Mabelline, Hui Ting 2.(your relationship with him/her is ...) friend, friend, friend 3.(your 5 impressions of him/her ..) Denise--- The ZH lover! 1. Pretty and cute? 2. Chatty 3. Super duper friendly 4. Wild 5. LAME! Mabelline--- The Big BAD MEANIE a.k.a bully a.k.a dummy a.k.a stupid pig! 1. A gentle-woman.. ( apparently damn wrong now!) wahhaha 2. Super chatty! 3. Expected msg replying rate = 1 hr? she damn slow de la 4. Doesn't sleep... hyperactive.. 5. People told me... HORNY? Hui Ting--- Miss Drunken! Officially certified pig! 1. Friendly person 2. Can dead serious in studies. 3. Can also be dead retard, laughing retard 4. Cheeky! 5. Can be quite fierce sometimes.. damn fierce o.. 4.(the most memorable thing he/she had done for you) EH! WELL! HMMM! Denise had a long long enjoyable chat with me? Mabelline just had a long phone call. Dammit! That was memorable enough for me? Taking care of Huiting when she is drunk, she blah blah blah.. Memorable! 5.(the most memorable words he/she had said to you) Denise said those sad sad things. Wont forget it man... Poor girl! wahaha.. Mabelline? Hmmm... LAO SAI LA! I know i skeleton blah blah blah.. Huiting said those... hmmm... i not fat ok?! 6.(if he/she becomes your lover, you will..) I will say I love you to Denise la? If not still got what? I will hug stupid Mabelline and tell her," your not SKELETON dumb zhu!! " I will pinch her fats and say! You have fatten again! but i like! wahahah! 7.(if he/she becomes your lover, things he/she has to improve on will be) Denise please love to talk on phone kays? =p Mabelline, nah... you perfect ok? Skeleton Huiting, eh eh eh! JIAN FEI! hahahahahas.. na kidding! 8.(if he/she becomes your enemy, you will...) Ignore them lo. 9. (if he/she becomes your enemy, the reason will be ...) Nah... I think that wont happen. 10.(the most desire thing you want to do for him/her now is ...) If you are moody or what... You'll get a free hug from me! 11.(your overall impression of him/her is ...) All FIVE stars! 12.(how you think people around you will feel about you?) Demanding ba.. and stupid... and and... childish! oh! and girly! 13.(the character you love of yourself are ...) Mr nice guy!( to girls only hor) Never fail to make people laughing like mad? 14.(on the contrary, the characters you hate of yourself are) I'm a petty ass? And i'm emo! 15.(the most ideal person you want to be is ...) Nah... I love myself... but you give me Edison's face ar... wah lan! Shiok ar! 16.(for people that care and like you, say something to them ..) What? Say what? I love you! Thank you! Whenever you need me... I'll try my best too! 17.(pass this quiz to 10 persons that you wish to know how they feel about you) 1. Mabelline! 2. Huiting! 3. Denise! 4. Jenniffer! 5. Zoey? 6. Lydia? 7. Sexy Jason? 8. Malcom lee? 9. Jasmine 10. Charlene bah.. 11.(who is no.6 having relationship with?) Single i think. 12.(Is no.9 a male or female?) Female. 13.(If no.7 and 10 are together, will it be a good thing?) They don't even know each other 14.(How about no.8 and 5?) Might be? but they dun know each other. 15.(What is no.2 studying about?) Study how to get fatter? Maybe something to do with food.. right? I don't know la... keke! 16.(When was the last time you had a chat with no.3?) a few hours ago. 17.(What kind of music band does no.8 like?) Those gay songs.. hahas... no la... Male chinese de songs. 18.(Does no.1 has any siblings?) YA!! Provided she didn't bluff me.. did she...? hmm... i forgot liao... 19.(Will you woo no.3?) WILL! cos she also girl ma... Somemore chio and cute... hahas... Kidding la... 20.(How about no.7?) hmm. Can consider !! if HE more lady hahas! WTF! His a guy lo! 21.(Is no.4 single?) Think so. 22.(What's the surname of no.5?) ZHU! i noe! i mean Choo 23.(What's the hobby of no.4?) I dun noe lehs... Rot at home or help out at Npcc lo. 24.(Do no.5 and 9 get along well?) Nope... They din know each other. 25.(Where is no.2 studying at?) NYP! 26.(Talk something casually about no.1) Lovely! Lao sai! 27.(Have you try developing feelings for no.8?) GOT! A LOT SOMEMORE! hahas... He gay ma! 28.(Where does no.9 live at?) Yew Tee.. Along the big drain... Hehe! (What color does no.4 like?) Dunno... Emo colors ba.. 30.(Are no.5 and 1 best friends?) Nope! 31.(Does no.7 likes no.2?) no. cannot be la. 32.(How do you get to know no.2?) Secondary 3! 33.(Does no.1 have any pets?) No have! cannot have! later she abuse it... Poor pet! 34.(Is no.7 the sexiest person in the world?) Definitely! He is called Sexy Jason MA! hahaha! Begged for Freedom at 8/09/2007 10:20:00 PM |
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