Friday, November 9, 2007 Random title! Today Kang Kang is different i shopped for my own clothes for the first time i think! I noe its only one piece but its quite exp for me.. hahas.. cos i'm a kampong boy, i never shopped for which clothes that i wanted and liked, i just trust my sis's yan guang! hahas.. but after going out with Johnne and Jin Man and blah blah blah.... I started to want my own clothes. This is the piece! Before shopping, i went to canteen to help out.. Thats my mum! Thats my dad and mum's hardwork and efforts! Fruits' store! I am a capable son too ok! hahas..So summary of today, went to wisma, cine, far east and more to shop and window shop, den i realise, beauty, smart,style and glam comes from money! no money no talk! den when i'm in Cine arh.. some ghost keep bumping into me.. eeek! scared me! Rahhhs! >.<> So long.. someone gotta hurry up! hahahas... wont be contacting that idiot for a couple of days! guess i'm gonna miss that idiot... JUST for these couple of days! =X Love is maybe like a food expo, if you only think which delicacy is nice only den you din go and try the others, you might miss the nicest and delicious food in your life. So! the morale of the story is... dun be afraid to try, just follow your heart to where it brings you to! even if you failed, you will never regret cos you tried your best already... but if you dun try, you may never know that you had just missed the matching piece of your life! hahahas! Begged for Freedom at 11/09/2007 10:31:00 PM Wednesday, November 7, 2007 hahas.. the title is just for fun cos it matches the date today!Oh and i notice Jin Man haven update her blog! I'm faster! hahahas! Loser~ hahahas! Just to run through today. Went to parents canteen to help out again. I worked damn hard today lo, and my stupid mum's BILLIONARE worker dun why pms and stop talking to everyone, her mood drastically changed. Don't know what the hell is wrong with her lo, I'm not a paid worker yet a helped her lessen her workload but den she gave that fucking attitude to my mum. I should strongly warn her lo, who gave the job to keep your family alive, who lent you money when your son needed a laptop to study in the poly? who? my parents right? yet you are treating them as if you are the boss here, what the fuck man? My mum and dad din hired a HIGHLY paid worker to piss them off every single day. What are you to give attitude? If it wasn't for my parents, would you be able to even dream about going overseas in the coming holidays and gave them a fucking attitude when they say you probably couldn't take leave. If it wasn't for the job my parents gave you, you might be starving with your whole family lo. I'm not asking for worship or wad, at least treat them with respect and be gratful! damn la.. so fucked up.. I wonder how ppl think! When to shopping Went with mal sq spenc and ym kh join us later on. Ate hong kong cafe again, i order cheese with chicken chop de baked rice, super nice sia! Yum Yum cheese! Went shopping but end up couldn't decide on even one shirt, cos they were moving on too fast. I wanna buy a new shirt before this sat's wedding dinner! who can help me??? Went to pick da jie from airport! yea! my dearest da jie, ashley, from aust! hahas.. she just completed her studies in U! hahas! love her lots! =) we took quite a road, from changi to kpe then home! hahas.. the underground tunnel is quite nice sia! hahas.. pretty! Home sweet home. so tired and lethargic... dun feel like doing anything but i decided, blog! must not break the passion! hahas.. Lydia is maybe calling later on! Loves her to bits! She is always there for me when i needed someone to lend their listening ear when i'm down.. hee! thanks! i wish i will be able do so too! hahas! So long! sorry for the wordy post! if you read till now.. thanks for ya support! here are some photos of today! take care and sleep early dudes and babes!TATA! Sien Quan and Spencer, the two S! hahas.. Sien Quan smile like a kid sia.. 18 ALREADY SOMEMORE! hahahaS! =X Dad's driving la! son... dun distract me.. oh oh.. do i nid to comb my hair? wait first la! let me see arh, not handsome must del arh... i was like.. come on la pa.. there is no you la... hahhas.. just your hair! BHB! =X Begged for Freedom at 11/07/2007 11:12:00 PM Tuesday, November 6, 2007 Poor Jing Kang poor, had to help out at my parents. Today was a disaster, cos not enuff sleep, damn tired. End up quarrelling with dad.. Dammit sia.. Ridiculously, he can just pretend nth happened after being so fucking unreasonable. I simply love family only if they don't ask me to help out, cos look at them.. they are simply being "tortured" by my aunt working for them. Now there are so much things happenning in my family tree that i really dun wish to be involved. Its so complicated and so one sided.. Sometime i feel like adult are doing meaningless things and break their bonds by quarrelling about meaningless.. Does bond stand as nothing againist pride and face? Shouldn't people treasure the family, friends and lover's bond? So stupid, i really wished that human werent so stupid. Breaking their precious bond and treat them as if its nothing. Anyway, just to update, Help out, exercise getting lousy, slept till 9 plus den blog till now. Tmr gonna help out again. SIAN ARH!!!!!!!!!! so fucking SIAN!!!!!!!! Needa de-stress by phone talking.. buti feel guilty to pull you along! SORRY!!! You dun have a choice neither!!! HAHA.. cos you say you got a nice side loooo! So long.. the ppl are mad here.. a mass convo and everyone is typing like hell! i'm missing out alot! hahaha! Nights and take care! Begged for Freedom at 11/06/2007 10:46:00 PM Monday, November 5, 2007 Had an outing ytd with the dudes and pretties of W34D... I'm starting to blend in but i still love my previous class more cos i'm the one who shout and got wild in W24J but in W34D, i'm just a quiet and blah blah blah guy.. hahas.. but overall it was kinda fun la.. My previous class almost neva had an outing before and this mad class already had about 4 times within 2 months! mad! Btw! si mei qi pang seh meeeee... go tan la go.. pang seh gerl! hahahas and si Jin Man din give me my photos! So.. sorry for the late update! Flow of activites, Hong Kong Cafe in Cine for lunch. After Lunch Went for pool! Almost invincible except for suicide for just one round okay~ Dao Qing came super duper late la.. I a bit pissed off lo.. i dun like ppl being late.. for a few HOURS somemore.. zzz.. pushed it down.. wo ren! After Pool Went Heeren shop shop den Dao Qing took a long while to choose again. Met Yi Wen and Johnne Watch the Subaru idiotic hand paste car contest, den i saw someone being rolled out with a wheelchair, i was like.. got so serious bo?? We went to shop for shirt Johnne bought a nice shirt ( tmr is my turn to shop!) I saw Stephanie Sun loooo.. She was damn skinny la hor.. i wont want my future gf to be a pack of bones. But okay la.. she is pretty but she dun look outstanding. I saw her outside the shop when i'm alone, den i and her was like stoned at each other, lol.. den i walked calmly into the shop and told those aunties, they were like run run run to the shop she was at looo.. AUNTIES! lol! =X Went to have dinner in Cafe Cartel. Had a nice dinner, the chicken bolongnese sucks but the soup is supberb! I love it! This is when, we found out an great secret! hahas.. and they say i was freaking out loooo.. actually no looo.. i mean, wad can i say? i am none of your kinds, and i respect you and your secret. Thus i don't even intend of rubbing further in and joke on them, thats why i listen nia and shhhhh.. I'm NOT freaked out! but i will! if ppl die die dun admit, its more like pissed off than freaked out.. Chilling in Starbucks After secret sharing within the 7 of us, but its family now, i went quiet again, cos i simply have nth to say, cos i think i had the most perfect family already. So, nth to say.. I am NOT freaked out again!!! hahahas! Went home After walking the stupid la la idiot dumbie slowie ass home, i took taxi again.. hahas.. damn lazy to take MRT la.. hahas After reaching home.. i talked on phone again, dis time dun noe why dad din catch me.. hahas.. i swear man.. that night was the night where i really got nth to hide already, like i say, if one day he/she were to hate me, thats the end.. hahas! we came into a conclusion! your stand is damn strong ar! So long.. View the pics! updating later for today! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Finally.. a group photo, hahas.. and i noe i look like shit, but how to say? Its in-borne! hahahas.. Begged for Freedom at 11/05/2007 11:53:00 PM Sunday, November 4, 2007 Went to Sakura in Science center, of cos we went there to play, Jimmy pang seh us with sleeping reasons.. hais! but over all, its fun, we eat till we are bloated, I and Sien Quan was groaning lo! I was full dat i can't laugh lo, if i do, my tummy will damn pain and i will want to puke.. bleh! that feeling sucks.. okay la.. the food there was nice! Food-- 4/5, the satay is damn nice lo! i like the fruit salad and egg sushi, cos i only know how to eat egg, dun like seafood! =) Service-- 2/5, cos the outlet chef kinda shout at us for because we haven paid... no nid to shout right! The waitress there was quite cute though.. 2 points for cuties! =X Variety-- 5/5, i cant imagine! there was laksa, GUEK SIA, and many more! Price-- 5/5, for 20+++ can eat so many types of food.. i think i love it! Malcom, Me, Yu Min and Sien Quan went! Fun la.. Yu min that monkey got his shirt wet because he too cocky and walked over the water fountain, SLOWLY! HAHA.. laugh untill the three of us buay tahan arh! Some sushi, black chicken soup, tempura, shark fin soup at the top corner.. thats why the variety is 5/5! hahahas.. maybe others have better but this is one the best i have seen! =) I dunnoe what the hell is that so i din touch it.. i also dun like seafood.. hahas... The eating duo.. Mal and Sq. There he goes, Yu min jumped! and the whoooops! his slippers flew.. hahaha. Had fun, eaten, went to library to talk, damn full even now i'm feeling the fullness! hahaha. So long. take care.. Stupid Jin Man sleep early! hahas... She is real stupid! hahahas.. Dumbie! Begged for Freedom at 11/04/2007 04:23:00 PM Actually i gave up on blogging, all because of the stupid Jin Man.. influence me, cos it feels good to have your blog read and tagged. =D but dun be like Jin Man, self claim people as her fans! boo! BHB! HAHA So i decided to post some pic of poly outings as a beginning. hahas.. firstly.. to Kevin house.. LOVE Em! and i mean dogs! =) and now Jie Nind cannot stop Husky-ing.. Hais.. mad dog disease? =X
they are such a cute class, loud too.. sometimes cannot stand the loudness, but being center of attention are fine la... Jin Man pink ass + Kevin smart ass + Johnne loud ass! Talked on phone with mabel, hung up quite fast cos i was tired, get well ass! Tmr gonna eat Sakaru with Sien Quan... Sorry dude that i skipped your cele! Hope i dun screw up tmr! =X Off to sleep and take care guys.. Feelings are hard to control, especially falling in love.. Its easy to fall but difficult to get up from it! Nasty fall! Begged for Freedom at 11/04/2007 01:49:00 AM |
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