Saturday, May 3, 2008 Its been a day! Went out after UT, to bitch around! wahahas! As usual with my two bitching partners! She mentioned something, and I will not hide but to say... actually it was just etched on my mind like a leech, i was thinking about it even when we went out seperate ways till now... Apparently, i was thinking about it, and unknowingly, i took those poisonous sticks again... Its really been awhile since i promised Mei Qi to not smoke. I really tried hard to kept to my promises to people out there... Its really hard sia! Felt like blogging suddenly, after the stupid sticks... Sometimes i wonder, it doesn't help, yet i choose to take it anyway... I mean come on.. i'm not a smoke addict, even if you place one whole packet in front of me, FREE. I wont be tempted lo... I just smoke to be sporty... =P Lame but thats the only reason i could think of... =D Alright.. Just a short post... Do tag people! I got fetish for tags can? hahaha.. Lemme know you are reading and i will post more often! hahaha.. Takkire dudes and girls! Toddle-oo~ Something are not mend to be forgotten! and these are those something! LIKE: W34D And of cos! My precious family!
Begged for Freedom at 5/03/2008 02:21:00 AM Friday, May 2, 2008 [I lie restlessly on the blue striped comfy bed, thinking silently to myself, "Today had passed, Tomorrow is here to come, What have I done?" All my thoughts are fighting relentlessly to present me with the doubts they have, "I think I missed something, What is it? Is it the friends that I have being having absolute fun with? Is it the family that I have not cherished? Or it is the person that meant a world to me, whom I haven't had the chance to love yet?" Thoughts; posting me questions and questions, endlessly of questions, waiting for me to fill in the blanks. "This is so stupid" I closed my eyes, forcing myself to slumber. Riots and protest boomed in my brain... "We want our answer!" I'm feeling the slumberousness... Perhaps tomorrow will give me an answer... Perhaps I could even time travel to solve all my doubts! Have you all ever had the thought? When will I get married? If I do, to who? Will I even get married? Or perhaps I might turn homosexually attracted? What job will I have in the future? What kind of person will I be in the future? Is the gym I'm going to now going to help me be a fitter guy or be a fitter gay? The problem surfaced, I can't be one nor I think I want to even be one! Nevertheless, uncertainty is our life and fate... These small and mindless thoughts that made me slumping on the sofa... Looking blankly at the coloured television, how can they even watch television in the past without colours? Made me realised that in our world, its filled with questions, people who chooses to avoid their question will do grave in their future of course... and people who fight endlessly to answer their questions no matter how small it might be, will do great... I choose the latter, afterall... it would be fun... ] To be continued... Hope it wasn't that boring... hahhas.. just thought that I could write something that could touch the hearts of my dear readers! =D Take care guys, Toodle-oo~ Begged for Freedom at 5/02/2008 12:39:00 PM |
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Having his birthday at 05/10/90
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A new sports shoes and belt
At least get a B or better for each module's UT. A hard disk! FULFILLED BY SCUBE!
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