Saturday, December 15, 2007 well.. cant blame me right? i am not a blog freakkk.. plus lately had being going sch early den the usual early! omg la.. Well enjoyed the week very much! Had my greatest laugh at DaoQing believing that the glass is those kind of "you can see in but they cant see outside". omg.. i was drink water, i.. i... cant fucking control! so damn funny la! the girl inside the glass stared at him la! omg omg omg omg! i spit all of it out! Puke! i and johnne was like laughing and laughing like mad dogs! Den den... DaoQing walked past the water i spitted out and "WHOOPS!" he slipped and fell! WAHAHAHAS! We just cant stop laughing!!! HAHAHAHAHA! ok.. enuff of laughing at others.. so bad! Slaps! and also for someone who is uncouth too! hahas.. Lets summarize the pics for this week.. not much of me.. just the lovely classmates of mine! Lets start off with last monday! Well...monday is a moodless day as you see ! therefore, i noe some ppl will be tired! sooooo... ![]() ![]() ![]() Next.. Ridwan last day! Mr Ridwan had his last day with us on this thursday! Kinda sad... Also, Jie Ning had to go off to catch a plane to Vietnam! Jin Man was like half dead! hahaas.. can imagine Friday? She cant live without the power ranger in her life. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Yi Wen testing it happily!~ twist and turn! cant fall to sleep? =X Well it is gonna be a holiday for the next three weeks... Hais! I'm gonna rest but miss some ppl! how i wish i could see them every single day! I'm gonna work hard to see them! hahahs! Take care dudes and pretties! Ta Ta!~ rmb to leave a tag! Kang Kang is happy now! Bleh! Begged for Freedom at 12/15/2007 02:53:00 PM Sunday, December 9, 2007 Sorry that i have to delay this sunday blog till now.. Anyway, where has my fans gone? taggies! why no taggie! I'm sure to reply them no matter who you are~ hehe! Anyway, the event ended.. disappointment la.."是 sad 的咯"as quoted! FUnny! All i can say is 上梁不正下梁歪... Disappointed la.. Just so disappointed la! Anyway its over.. nth to say.. Just disappointment and more disappointment especially.. I kept saying that i refuse to accept the fact, but the more i deny it, the more i think i will be affected. I really dun wanna bring emotions into the class. Maybe i'm not a man, i dun noe, i just cant hide my feeling and act as if nth has happened. Of cos i dun wanna show anyone that irritating bored face when i really dun noe how to perk myself up.. So much for a emo blog... I'm not blaming anyone, not even a single soul.. Its all my fault ok? Totally mine.. I dun wanna continue anymore... Even if i want, i really cant't find the courage and energy to do so... Everytime i have thicken my skin to do everything, anything... All i asked for, is just some appreciation.. All i asked for, is just recongnition.. All i asked for, is for people's smile and laughter.. Is that too much to ask for? Thats why, i din blame anyone! i swear! but just how i deal with things sucks! I can't stand myself! Everything i put in effort, so much so much effort always come to a sucky result.. I hate it! I simply hate the incompetence of myself... Do i have to end everything with a smile? End everything with a sorry? End everything with another broken heart? End everything with thank you but also with a bleeding heart? Na bei.. So emo la! Ka ni na.. I really dun wanna continue anymore.. Can i give up on life.. I am sick and tired of it.. Especially the painful part of it... I always think that "can't get no love, without scarifice!" But now.. "This is the hardest story i had ever told" even the saddest story i have to go through. This is the way you left me, I'm not pretending. No hope, no love, no glory.. No happy ending! This is the way that you love, like this forever, But live the rest of our life, but not together! Boo! Life sucks! good bye everyone.. good bye.. sorry that i really dun feel like uploading the pictures i got it last night.. Kang Kang feel so tired.. Tired of life... I dun wan to emo anymore can? Begged for Freedom at 12/09/2007 10:35:00 PM |
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