Wednesday, May 23, 2007 Pheww! Finally done the template thingy lerhs.... Wow, Damn tough man.. The song was sweet huh? I kinda love it.. But i love you more! Today skipped school again, being a bad boy. Play some dota with sq, hais... too lousy! Jennifer that idiot wants her earpiece! haha... kept fer her though, didnt give it to her lorh.. she angry wor! ^^ Sorry larh jen! Bloggin is so much of a trouble man! Gonna go sch tmr, so worry about my modules' grade, i scare i fail that module sia... skipped too much.. kinda of my BAD habit... Jasmine is just 17 ytd! So is Daphne! ^^ so qiao! Tried to be happy today.. Thinking hard of what Eugy told me... What is it i want? She asked me, can you be just her fren? I ans yes... but sooner or later, i'll still cant control myself, as always. den Eugy tell me, den lose contact with her since you cant do it.. Dun hurt yourself and hurt others. Whats the point? I was astounded, i dunno how can i do it... All i wan was to have her slight attention.. but... it all seems so distant, she got a life that is totally different from mine, i cant imagine her in my life... but she's my life! so dumb so stupid... what was i thinkin? How i wished someone could have slapped me hard. whats the point? whats the point of dripping tears over it? whats the point of thinking of it where i cant do a single thing? whats the point of hoping when there is no hope at all, even at the beginning? whats the point of being sad when there is nth to be sad of as nth ever happened before? Can i cry? Can i scream? Can i continue to love you? Story of my life... Hopeful introduction, painful and sad body, climax? dun have one.. Ending? i couldnt end it... Sentimental or Pure Stupid? Begged for Freedom at 5/23/2007 08:57:00 PM Sunday, May 20, 2007 Well.. feel like saying smth... I cant fall asleep, feel like telling someone, dunno who, blogging came to me... Thinking and thinking what i'm going to write, so much things i wanna cry out.. but couldnt rmb what... In the end, i just wanna shout out.......... MY LIFE IS SO STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!! I dunno why! I just felt that life is so meaningless now, but why? I got a steady lot of friends what, i have a lovely family well, sometimes its just so irriating that i could just leave the house, just like now, writing away and mum is nagging behind. Cant you understand?! How irriating is it? Maybe its just i dun have her, Mal mal will surely scold me wan,"dun be lame larh, dun be a idiot cannot or not..." Indeed, he has no good impression of her since that time, none of my bestie that time encouraged me to go on, but maybe i inherited my dad's stubborness, i kept to my belief. I continued, i also didnt wanna give it up, but it all seems so dumb..... Cos I know so much, I know for sure she wont like me, even for a bit! I should be grateful that she kept me as a friend. I also didnt wanna ask much, moreover, i've been thinking, why am i continuing this torture where i can jolly well end it? Stupid! The more she writes about him does not make me jealous, just so painful, so depressing and confusing. Can I dun wanna live this life anymore!?!? Now then i know why i like this song so much, it totally just suits me.... Just So You Know I shouldnt love you but I want to I just cant turn away I shouldnt see you but I cant move I cant look away I shouldnt love you but I want to I just cant turn away I shouldnt see you but I cant move I cant look away And I dont know how to be fine when Im not Cause I dont know how to make a feeling stop [Chorus:] Just so you know This feelings taking control of me And I cant help it I wont sit around, I cant let him win now Thought you should know Ive tried my best to let go of you But I dont want to I just gotta say it all Before I go Just so you know Its getting hard to be around you Theres so much I cant say Do you want me to hide the feelings And look the other way And I dont know how to be fine when Im not Cause I dont know how to make a feeling stop [Chorus] This emptiness is killing me And Im wondering why Ive waited so long Looking back I realize It was always there just never spoken Im waiting here...been waiting here [Chorus] Hais... I still have so much to say but i know i'll be boring to you guys.. To Be Contiuned... To Love or To Hate? Confused! Begged for Freedom at 5/20/2007 03:19:00 PM Sunday sunnie Sunday! very hot today! Just helped my papa in his fruit store, hais~ weekly routine, freedom deprived~! Ytd i went for a bit of shopping in Jurong Point before meeting mal mal, there is so much cutie thingys i wnna buy, then i end out noticing that i'm subconsiciously thinking of something when i came across a pretty necklace," Will she like it?" ,"does it loook nice on her?". =p Den i was grinning sheepishly at myself. Gone mad? Den i met mal mal, and played a hour plus of billard for just a game! waah! Want to cry arh... While i was playing... i keep looking around to see i was going to see her... Thats the difference man, i've seen her once, damn, how i wished i could bump into her! Now that she has some problem, i could'nt say that i'm useless, its not i can't help or dun wan to help, but wads the point? I could so obviously sense that shes replying fer the sake of replying, but i'm not asking more, cos i know that its the best she can do ler, well off better then not replying rite? It just kicked me right on my heart, and it hurts, hurts so much... can i not undergo this pain anymore? Its not up to me. Hais~! Someone... help me! =s Gosh. me is still a sickly sick cat, hais~! tmr got sch again.. cyas guys... blogging again soo enough.. skin is so difficult to change... Misses you, loves you, caused me pain. I dun mind~! =p Begged for Freedom at 5/20/2007 03:19:00 PM |
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